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Recogia SeaGlider PLOCAN

The Seaglider M1 launched on April 2nd in the Nazaré Submarine Canyon by the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute and PLOCAN, in order to carry out a scientific-technical mission, was collected in Funchal, Madeira, after covering a total of 1350 km during two months.

Asamble Proyecto Ecomarport

The partners of the ECOMARPORT project attended to a general coordination meeting in Funchal (Madeira), led by PLOCAN, in order to evaluate the progress made in the framework of the project during the last 30 months. Moreover, they established the strategic plan to develop the operational activities, processing of products, dissemination, etc.

Espacio Macaronésico I+D+i

A dissemination seminar of marine and maritime R&D&I in the Macaronesian Region was celebrated within the framework of the RIS3_NET (Interregional Co-operation for the Intelligent Growth of the MAC Regions) project, as part of the “Blue Growth” pilot project. The objective of this pilot project is to promote the Macaronesian R & D & I related to the Blue Growth Strategy of the European Commission.