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Last Friday, having sailed 2,300 kilometres from its launch site on the coast of Porto, the educational boat SCOT was picked up off the coast of Tenerife in order to be repaired and re-launched to continue its journey and complete its circumnavigation of the North Atlantic Gyre.

SCOT, made by students of Bonny Eagle Secondary School in Maine, reached the coast of Portugal last summer after crossing the Atlantic pushed by the Gulf Stream. It is part of an international educational programme sponsored and led by Educational Passages, association, which has partners and collaborators distributed by numerous corners of the North Atlantic basin, and whwhich has partners and collaborators scattered across various corners of the North Atlantic basin, and in which the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands has been an active participant since 2013. There have already been three launches of educational boats from the Canary Islands coordinated by PLOCAN, and with the participation of local secondary schools. Five new boats are waiting in the shipyard for their turn to be put into operation in the near future.