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121220 AUTOMAR

PLOCAN took part in the V Conference on Robotics Marina, AUTOMAR, bringing together professionals from companies and research centers linked to the automation applications for the maritime and naval sectors. The conference organized by the Centre for Research in Underwater Robotics at the University of Gerona CIRS-UdG, have flocked to the main Spanish groups linked to the automatic and marine robotics.

PLOCAN contributed with a general presentation of the project, highlighting at the same time the main activities and challenges related to underwater robotics so far carried out by the consortium, as well as joined the panel of national experts.

In the V Conference, held between December 19th and 21th at the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona, highlighted the tutorial lecture by Bill Kirkwood, Senior Research and Development Engineer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) located in Monterey Bay (California, USA) about AUV Technology and Applications Basics; and the two plenary lectured sessions, one conducted by  Joao Tasso, Assistant professor of Electronic Systems Engineering at University of Porto –FEUP- (Portugal) about synergies between different marine autonomous vehicle technologies, and other by Antonio Pascoal, Professor of Control and Robotics at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon (Portugal) on Cooperative Control on Multiple of Autonomous Vehicles for Ocean Exploration.

Lastly there was an exposure of several research works in the area of the event, accompanied by a panel discussion on challenges and applications of marine robotics in Spain.

More information.