Mr. Patrice Pla and Mr. Yann Le Page, sales manager and chief technological officer respectively from the French company ACSA-Alcen, represented by Grafinta S.A. as its Spanish dealer (its marketing manager, Mrs. Susana Mier, joined us too) provide a conference on the technological capabilities of the company, focusing on the development and commercial release of an autonomous underwater vehicle, under the name of SeaExplorer.
Last week (17-21 April 2012), technicians from the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands(PLOCAN) flew to Madeira to take part in several actions related to the MacSimar project (Incorporación de un sistema integrado de monitorización meteorológica oceanográfica de la Macaronesia en la estrategia de investigación marina/marítima europea), funded by the MAC 2007-2013 program (transnational cooperation Madeira-Azores-Canarias).
Startup Weekend Las Palmas took place the 23-25 of March. More than 70 entrepreneurs met during 54 hours to create new startups there. The jury, composed by 5 experts, including David Horat, Chief Information Officer at PLOCAN, had to choose among 6 projects. Finally, the winner was Manage Your Bookings, an online hotel reservation system for small and mid-size companies.
The conference is an initiative of the Deep sea and sub-seafloor frontier project consortium, funded by the European Commission. PLOCAN was invited to participate in the forum in order to contribute to the objectives of the conference: exploring and observing the deep ocean and sub-seafloor.