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Funding programme and call:
Increasingly Smart operational programme 2014-2020 co-funded by ERDF

Start Date:

End Date:

3 years

Total budget:
5.015.000,00 €

Budget for PLOCAN:
5.015.000,00 €

Total funding:
5.011.206,34 €

Funding for PLOCAN:
5.011.206,34 €



Electricity grid to provide support for experimenting and testing new technologies that use marine energy resources to generate electricity and for connecting technologies for observation at increasing depths

The “Electricity grid to provide support for experimenting and testing new technologies that use marine energy resources to generate electricity and to connect technologies for observation at increasing depths (REDSUB)” Project consists of conducting a series of activities that range from the design, acquisition and installation, to the commissioning of a sea-to-shore electricity grid and data network in the area of the maritime-terrestrial public domain reserved for the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The management of this project has been assigned to the PLOCAN Consortium.

The electrical system to be installed is comprised of medium-voltage wiring and it will be designed, fitted and sized to carry an initial maximum of up to 15MW to shore. Most of this comprises an underwater cable, connectors and auxiliary electrical equipment (marine electrical system), which will be laid from the area of the PLOCAN reserve at sea to the sectioning and protection centre located on the coast, which will allow electrical protection between the 13.2Kv sub-station and the devices connected at sea. The transition of the wiring from underwater to terrestrial wiring will be done at this centre, which will connect to a shore-based sub-station to feed the electricity into the distribution grid (terrestrial electricity system).

The main function of the electrical and communications infrastructure is to feed the electrical power generated on the test bed into the distribution network and to transmit data in real time to be processed and analysed in an on-shore control centre. This function is essential for the test bed, because without a connection to the electricity grid, the power generated cannot be fed into the shore grid and the effects and incidents that events at sea could induce in the off-shore energy generation prototypes being tested could not be experienced, which is the basic objective of the test bed.

The REDSUB Project is a single action, in line with PLOCAN achieving the objectives that have been set in its Scientific-Technical Project as a marine USTI. This action encompasses the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the submarine-terrestrial electricity grid and communications network. The system comprises two clearly distinguishable elements: (1) marine electricity system and (2) terrestrial electricity system.

  • This element is based mainly on the design, acquisition, testing, installation and commissioning of the marine electricity grid to evacuate the power generated off-shore. It comprises two hybrid, submarine electricity cables (power, communications and power supply in direct current) with the same technical and building characteristics as the submarine connectors required for connecting the equipment to the marine grid, although they are of different lengths and follow different routes, along with all the auxiliary electrical elements and equipment with their respective marine activities, studies and fitting work to ensure that the REDSUB electricity system works properly and fully.
  • This element is based mainly on the design, acquisition, testing, installation and commissioning of the terrestrial electricity grid to connect the infrastructure from the sectioning centre to the 66kV sub-station. It is comprised of tri-phasic alternating current electrical cable, direct current electrical cable and fibre-optic cable, a power transformer, the characteristic electrical protectors of these installations and all the auxiliary electrical elements and equipment with their respective terrestrial activities, studies and fitting work necessary for the REDSUB electricity grid to work properly and fully.

Information and dissemination activities are scheduled for this entire project, pursuant to the applicable ERDF regulations at all times.

The construction is funded through a grant of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 and by the call for grants to Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) of the State Subprogram of ICTS, within the framework of the State Development Program of the Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence of the State Plan for Scientific and Tecnical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.

Funding programme and call: 


Start Date: 


End Date: 



36 meses

Total budget:

4.998.736,25 €

Budget for PLOCAN:

279.727,00 €

Total funding:

4.998.736,25 €

Funding for PLOCAN:

279.727,00 €


UPorto (Coordinador)



Project website:

EU Marine Robots

Our oceans are the least-explored region of planet Earth. Protection and sustainable development of ocean resources presents formidable challenges. Robots will play an increasingly key role in the near future and this role will expand and become more challenging as we extend into deeper, remote and hostile marine environments.

Europe leads in many aspects of maritime, but lacks well integrated and coordinated oceanic robotic infrastructure or presence. The marine-robotics industry is growing rapidly. It is a crucial high-value/high-cost sector with considerable entrybarriers to R&D. The full growth potential of this industry will be greatly enhanced with access to shared robotic research infrastructure.

EUMarineRobots (EUMR) proposes an access-infrastructure for the deployment of a full-range of aerial, surface and sub-surface marine robotic assets, the combined value of which is far greater than the sum of their parts. EUMR will open transnational access to
significant national marine robotics R&D assets across Europe. The EUMR consortium comprises 15 partners from 10 countries who, collectively, can deploy a comprehensive portfolio of marine robotic assets with required associated support assets and expertise. The network is a strong and balanced grouping of globally distinguished key players with diverse, track-record of excellence across marine /robotic sectors. Partners are members of a wide variety of existing networks, and research infrastructure collaborations both formal and informal across Europe and the world. EUMR is a first stage in aggregating these networks and assets as world-leading for support and growth of a strong community of practice in marine robotics and marine.

Funding programme and call:

Asociaciones Empresariales Innovadoras

Start Date: 


End Date: 



9 months

Total budget:

99.129,00 €

Budget for PLOCAN:

10.062,00 €

Total funding:

67.377,00 €

Funding for PLOCAN:

5.031,00 €


Clúster Marítimo de Canarias (ES)



Onboard Data Analyzer

We propose a technical-economic feasibility study for the future development of a tool (software+hardware), called ODA (Onboard Data Analyser) that can analyse the data packages that reach a vessel, in order to extract the flat or pure data arriving to send it to the different systems or applications that require it. If the flat data include malware, this will remain in ODA, preventing it from passing into the rest of the on-board network and it will emulate a state as if the vessel has been infected in order to stop new attacks being sent.

The complexity, criticality and peculiarities of on-board systems makes it necessary to conduct an in-depth study that will allow us to determine the feasibility of ODA by establishing the following specifications for its development: scope, technical, financial and human resources necessary, development times. The possibilities of the ODA project being viable are very high, but do require an exhaustive technical and financial feasibility analysis to develop it afterwards. This is a totally innovative project aligned with the Connected Industry 4.0 strategy focused on cyber-security and integrating OT/IT systems in the maritime sector.

There is currently no ODA tool on the market and, should it be feasible, it represents a major technological challenge in the areas of communications and data processing and hybridisation between the physical and digital worlds. ODA is aligned with the European Commission’s Blue Growth Communication offering support for sustainable growth in the marine-maritime sectors of the EU that acknowledges the importance of the seas and oceans as driving forces of the European economy because of the enormous potential they have for innovation and growth, and throughout the region, with the Canary Island Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3), which envisages the blue economy as one of the priorities for the region for the period 2014-2020 due to the strengths of this sector of activity and the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the Canary Islands to promote sea-related activities in this and other regions of the EU Atlantic, such as the elaboration of this proposal.

This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the program to support Innovative Business Associations (AEI) to contribute to improve the competitiveness of Spanish industry.

Funding programme and call:

Asociaciones Empresariales Innovadoras

Start Date: 


End Date: 



9 months


Clúster Marítimo de Canarias (ES)

Total budget:

73.893,00 €

Budget for PLOCAN:

8.300,00 €

Total funding:

50.127,00 €

Funding for PLOCAN:

4.150,00 €


EDOSOFT (ES), PLOCAN (ES), Clúster Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica (ES).

DRON Multipropósito

The project consists of conducting a feasibility study on the technical possibilities offered by flying drones to undertake tasks in different areas of application, and to conduct a study of the current market to act as a decision-making framework for future projects. There is currently an enormous range of drone models on the market, with their different strengths and technical capabilities. The purpose of the study is to provide a decision-making tree of models depending on the requirements of the project.

Drones are currently used in tasks of surveillance, monitoring, reconnaissance and detection as they can be deployed quickly. On the other hand, as they are unmanned, there is no risk to the physical integrity of whoever is flying them, unlike other aircraft like helicopters or airplanes. These tasks are generally carried out using high resolution, infra-red or heat-sensitive cameras, but recently, other kind of instruments have been fitted to acquire data from sensors, such as temperature sensors, or to detect different gases. The large supply of unmanned vehicles on the market poses problems when buying one for a given use. The objectives of the project are as follows:

  • To conduct a broad market study of the models of drones currently on the market, bearing in mind their different technical specifications. – Establish a decision-making framework to allow the potential buyer to select the drone model that is the best fit with any set of needs. The technical challenges are: - To compile information on existing models of drones. – Study the instrumentation fitted, or which can be fitted to drones.
  • Formalisation of the decision-making framework for drone models.
  • Conduct a pilot test based on the decision-making framework. The study is part of strategy strand 3: Promotion and Implementation of R+D+I projects, in the thematic area of: Sub-aquatics and Robotics.

The project is aligned with the European Commission’s Blue Growth Communication of Support for sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors of the EU that acknowledges the importance of seas and oceans as driving forces of the European economy because of their great potential for innovation and growth, throughout the territory, with the Canary Island Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3), which envisages the blue economy as one of the region’s priorities for the period 2014- 2020 due to the strengths of this sector of activity and the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the Canary Islands to promote the associated activities in the territory and in other EU Atlantic regions.

This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the program to support Innovative Business Associations (AEI) to contribute to improve the competitiveness of Spanish industry.
